Saturday 16 May 2009

The Zen of Soccer by Buddy

I attended one of my sister's indoor soccer games in March.
I have decided to make public a number of her strategies and secrets to mastering the game, and hopefully you take someting away from this lesson that you may apply to your everyday life.

First, always smile. After all, it's just a game, and it will disarm your more serious opponents.

Look ahead when you kick. Anticipate next move. Play the future.When you do kick, make it count.

I know exactly what Buddy was thinking here. Eagle-Punch. This technique can be seen in Wado-ryu, Sendo-ryu styles, and perhaps other styles too.

opponent steals your ball? subject him to multiple punches in the kidneys as he tries to escape.

Here is it again in case you thought that was a doctored photo.

Get sassy! these games are only about 45 minutes, folks. Life is short. If you see something outrageous, drop your jaw and call them out!

Patience is important. If the majority of the game takes place on the other side of the field, play it cool and let them come to you!

And finally, give 'em hell. If your opponent tries to sneak past you on the wall, fight him. Beat him up over there, the ref can't see you.

Notice in this close-up how her opponents are fleeing like prancing deer at the site of Buddy taking care of bid'nayzzz.


plastic said...

buddy is the enforcer

Steve said...

this had me laughing very hard... thanks matt. the work at the charter school sounds really neat.

Jessie Shaffer said...

Its all true! Buddy is a smooth operator...

Unknown said...

OMG. Buddy as bodacious bad boy in soccer! Shades of the past! Remember as her former coach, mommy taught her everything she knows.....heh, heh.

eyelasssh said...

Buddy sent me the link to this guaranteeing a good laugh. The post is hilarious! The eagle-punch is too much.

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